
These 10 pieces gently remind us to trust in His ruling over our lives and help us praise Him for His goodness and provision.

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When You Don’t Go Viral and WHY It Might Be For the Best

Have you ever felt that nudge from God, but hesitated to follow through? I know I have. If you’ve been wrestling with a decision or feeling unsure about your next step, this post will encourage you to trust in His timing, His sovereignty, and the truth that life is too short not to do what God is calling you to do.

October 4, 2024

I was at a wedding recently, seated next to someone I hadn’t seen in four years. After the typical small talk and catching up, the conversation took a more serious turn:

Me: “Are you still working as a graphic designer?”
Her: “Kind of, but I’m trying to do more freelance work. I’m struggling to figure out pricing and what I really want to do.”

We chatted a bit about Mercy Creates and some of what’s worked well for me in my business. But then, she said something that set my 🚨 alarms 🚨 off:

Her: “Yeah, it’s just a lot, and I don’t know what to do.”
Me: “Well, if God wants it to happen, He’ll make it happen.”

Now, in hindsight, maybe I could’ve offered a more empathetic response. But as someone who tends to see life in black and white, and who has made her fair share of excuses when it comes to following God’s prompts (hello, The Psalms Project), I’ve learned this: life is too short not to follow where God is leading you.

What Jonah Taught Me About Obedience

Here’s the thing: God’s Word gives us plenty of examples of people like us—people who wrestle with obedience. And when I find myself in conversations like the one at the wedding, my mind always goes back to Jonah 🐳.

Jonah’s story is short—just four chapters, but it’s packed with truth. You can read it in about 15 minutes, and here’s my takeaway: if God wants something to happen, it will happen, whether you’re ready or not.

But I know firsthand how hard obedience can be. When I started The Psalms Project, I thought it was going to be the breakthrough for Mercy Creates. I envisioned these 150 pieces—each representing a chapter from the book of Psalms—going viral, attracting thousands of people, and putting me on the map as an artist.

But that’s not what happened.

Instead, I found myself in Facebook pods and engagement groups, chasing likes and fake traffic. I had poured so much into this project, and when it didn’t meet my expectations, I ghosted it. I wanted to quit.

The Psalms Project + Jonah = Me

Then came a day at the market, where I brought The Psalms Project paintings, hoping to sell a few and wash my hands of the whole thing. I was ready to move on. But God had other plans.

A woman stopped by my tent, and to my surprise, she sat with those little squares for 40 minutes. Forty minutes! She flipped through them, asked questions, and then, instead of politely moving on, she asked to see more. She saw life in those pieces—the Bible was speaking to her.

In that moment, it was clear that I had been running away from what God had asked me to do. I had my Jonah moment, and I realized that God’s plan wasn’t about internet fame; it was about using this collection to encourage people of God’s presence in our lives, no matter how messy or abstract they may seem.

So, I picked the project back up. Over the next year and a half, I completed all 150 pieces, put them into a book, sold prints, created art collections, inspired a calendar that was sold at Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and Amazon; and even launched a digital Bible study focused on the art collection.

It didn’t “go viral,” but I can look back now and see how God used it to encourage others and how He’s been faithful every step of the way.

Choosing Obedience, Even When It’s Hard

Just like Jonah, I had a choice: obey reluctantly or joyfully embrace what God was asking me to do. Eventually, I chose obedience, and though it didn’t look like I expected, God worked through it in ways I never could have imagined.

Friend, I get it—decision-making isn’t always easy. Sometimes, we just know what to do. Other times, it takes weeks or months to gather information, weigh options, and make a choice. But here’s the thing: if God is calling you to something, you will eventually find yourself standing at a crossroads, just like Jonah did.

You can choose to obey joyfully, reluctantly, or—like Jonah—get dragged through the depths of the ocean before you realize obedience was the right choice all along.

And chances are, obedience for you may not be as dramatic as preaching to a people who don’t like you! It could be something simpler but just as impactful, like accepting a job you don’t feel qualified for, starting a Bible study with a few coworkers, or having a hard conversation with your spouse.

If you’re noticing a pattern of events, people, or conversations all pointing in the same direction, I’d bet it’s not random. 😏

Bible Verses That Anchor Our Obedience

So, take heart, friend. God is faithful, and He is with you. Here are some truths to remember as you take your next step of obedience:

  • God is sovereign, and His plans will succeed.
    “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” —Isaiah 55:11 (NIV)
  • God never leaves us or “takes a break.”
    “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” —Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)
    “Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” —Psalm 121:4 (NIV)
  • God has given you His Spirit to guide and counsel you.
    “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” —2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)
  • You are equipped with His armor.
    “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” —Ephesians 6:10–11 (NIV)

God is good, and you can trust that if He’s calling you to something, He will carry you through it.

P.S. This whole “lesson in obedience” wasn’t a one-time thing

The story of Jonah and the power of obedience is something I often share with my Watercolor 101 students because it’s so woven into Mercy Creates’ story. Art isn’t always easy to make into a career—trust me, the rumors are true! But God has been faithful in pushing me forward, and that’s how my Watercolor Foundations course came to life.

If you’ve ever felt intimidated by watercolor painting, I’d love for you to check out Watercolor Foundations. It’s designed to take the guesswork out of the process so you can spend more time painting and less time second-guessing. You can check it out here, and I’d love to hear what you think!

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Did you know that on average, Americans check their phones 344 times per day (roughly once every 4 minutes!). 

These free phone wallpapers, that are inspired by the collection “Of Happy Rest,” not only give you something pretty to look at but also redirect your focus back to the truth found in the Bible.

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These 10 pieces gently remind us to trust in His ruling over our lives and help us praise Him for His goodness and provision.

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