
These 10 pieces gently remind us to trust in His ruling over our lives and help us praise Him for His goodness and provision.

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with bold & beautiful watercolor art

Share God's work
in your life 

You don’t love how much time it takes to find a painting that represents your life.

Friend, I don't want you to waste time combing through the aisles at Goodwill *hoping* they have something you can upcycle… or wander the  racks of Kirklands wondering if that lantern is the best choice for your bookshelf.  

You love how art represents life. 

But if you're not intentional with what hangs on your walls,

As Christians, we’re told to “... tell the generation to come the praises of the Lord, And His power and His wondrous works that He has done” (Psalm 78:4). We should be sharing how “He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son” (Colossians 1:13).

We have an amazing privilege and responsibility to talk of God, His power, His care, His grace, His justice, His love, His creativity, His sovereignty … with everyone. 

you miss an opportunity to share the Gospel with anyone who enters your home.

Historically, we’ve been taught to share with "The Romans Road," the "Evangicube,” or approach a stranger and ask “If you were to die tonight … do you know without a shadow of a doubt that you would go to Heaven?” 

It's 2024, and I think we can do it differently ...

It can be hard to start a conversation about God's presence in our lives.

Art can encourage time in God’s Word.

You’ll spend close to 93% of your life indoors, and what’s surrounding you should inspire you. 

We believe that the items around us influence our thoughts and what we choose to dwell on. We internalize what we see and hear, so we have to be aware of our environment.

With the right home decor, you can better remember the truth found in Scripture and nurture the desire to grow in your faith.

Art can impact the next generation.

77% Of Americans loved learning about their family’s history and heirlooms when they were growing up, and fine art is 36% of Americans’ favorite heirlooms

We are told to “tell the next generation the works of the Lord” (Psalm 78:4), and a painting WITH a story has the ability to communicate truth for years to come.

Treasured art can be passed along and continue the legacy of God’s faithfulness in your life.

Art can share the Gospel.

Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text, and studies show that people retain 80% of what they see in comparison to reading or hearing.

And personal stories make up 65% of our conversations. Your story + a visual has the potential for an incredible impact!

Instead of feeling the pressure to integrate the “Roman’s Road” into the conversation, have your artwork generate curiosity and start the conversation.

Use your art collection to
share your story + God's faithfulness

Designing artwork that helps you create Christ-centered conversations in your home.



With knowledge + a conversation piece… 

… you can say “Goodbye” to awkward conversations about the weather and 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 to proudly sharing God’s wonder working power in your life.


Over 200 prints and original paintings in the shop, you can easily find a piece that communicates truth found in Scripture—for yourself or for a friend. 

We don’t just *hope* you share your faith, we help you share your faith.

With digital Bible studies, Scripture memory cards, and free resources, you are encouraged and equipped at any point in your faith journey.

I’m Rachel, and my husband and I have spent 5 years of missions work in an urban apartment complex. Our 1,100-square-foot apartment was important to us… and the 300+ residents we served. During those years, we intentionally used every asset we had to share the Gospel, and now, I’m encouraging women to do the same with their home decor.

As a modern watercolor artist and graphic designer, I thrive in creating pieces that help women have Christ-centered conversations. 

The Artist


The word "Sovereignty" means "supreme power or authority," so when we say "God is sovereign over our lives," we affirm that He is only One who can govern us—tell us what is good, how to act, who to forgive, when to move.

It sounds scary to do so ONLY when we forget that
➡️ God is good.
➡️ God is faithful.
➡️ God is perfect.
➡️ God is holy.
➡️ God is never changing.
➡️ God is eternal.
➡️ God is just.

Our response is to surrender, worship, and tell others of the joy and peace found in God's sovereignty.

These 10 pieces gently remind us to trust in His ruling over our lives and help us praise Him for His goodness and provision.

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The other pieces were to provide large reminders of God’s grace and love to us and our guests.

We knew your pieces would complement our home—ultimately ended up in our sun room where we would go to relax, read, and pray. 

—Bruce & Carmen

I've had the opportunity to share about how those specific song lyrics (and thereby the painting) have changed my life.

Everyone that enters my office is immediately attracted to it. They ask where I got it, and they are always impressed when I describe how it was a commission piece based on song lyrics ("Graves into Gardens").

I had Rachel make me a Psalm 27 inspired ornament to mark this year, and wow is it perfect!!! Per usual, my heart is touched by her amazing art and her kindness. Cannot recommend ordering from her enough!



Kind Words from Kind Collectors

If I could decorate my house exclusively with artwork from this shop I would!


Rachel understood what I meant when I requested this piece. She is a master at Abstract art. So beautifully done!

Testimonials & reviews

In 5 questions, you will get connected to a Mercy Creates collection that tells your story + God's presence in it!


Get MATCHED to your personal art collection!





The Journal

art + faith + business

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Pour yourself some coffee and read articles about my favorite topics: art, faith, and business; and how we can use all three to glorify God.


The free Custom Artwork Guide has prompts, questions, and more to help synthesize your thoughts; so an artist can understand what you actually want hanging in your home vs. what they think you want hanging in your home.

Free for You

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Alleviate Stress with the Custom Artwork Guide

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Art & Encouragement on Your Phone

Did you know that on average, Americans check their phones 344 times per day (roughly once every 4 minutes!). 

These free phone wallpapers, that are inspired by the collection “Of Happy Rest,” not only give you something pretty to look at but also redirect your focus back to the truth found in the Bible.

Grow in Your Faith with 50 Faith Goals

Don't feel overwhelmed when it comes to growing in your faith 🙅🏽‍♀️ Use this list to find inspiration in strengthening your walk with the Lord. 

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These 10 pieces gently remind us to trust in His ruling over our lives and help us praise Him for His goodness and provision.

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