Join the Digital Bible Study for $18

The tools, plan, and accountability to make Bible reading a habit. All you have to do is open an email.

The Psalms project 
digital bible study

The tools, plan, and accountability to make Bible reading a habit. All you have to do is open an email.

Your faith is a priority,

But your day is typically focused on your

Have you ever timed your activities during the day?

= 26 1/2 hours

Now, I'm not saying that I'm a time-bender, but... 😂 
Those hours quickly fill up with non-negotiables. And typically, those responsibilities can't be transferred to someone else—it's me that has to fulfill them. 

So most of my day is given to cooking, cleaning, working, sleeping ... yet as I look through the list, I realized

Something too important was missing from that schedule ... 

My time with God.

Maybe your day is similar to mine:

2-3 hours in a vehicle +
9 hours at a desk job +
1–1 ½ hour(s) cooking and eating +
1 hour showering, hair, and skincare +
6 hours sleeping +
2 hours with family +
1 hour walking the dogs +
2 hours of home responsibilities 

because you know it should be as easy as opening a letter from your best friend.

It shouldn’t be this difficult to open the Bible ...

The truth is:

we check our phones more than we check the Bible.

On our phones we often find … pressure, problems, and pain. And exposure to those over time can negatively impact your mental, emotional, and physical health.

And what could we experience if we were to daily open our Bibles? peace, truth, and promises. 

in a 24-hour day

We know what the solution is,
but we keep opening the wrong thing every day.

3 hours

are used streaming shows or movies.

2 ½ hours

are given to answering emails.

344 times

And the amount of times we check the phone for notifications?

2 ½ hours

are on social media (Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, etc.)

3 hours

are spent doing activities on a phone (games, texting, shopping, etc.).


Dr. Mark Williams

"Notifications trigger a release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that can create a sense of anticipation and addiction, leading people to check their phones compulsively in anticipation of new notifications. This can lead to a sense of social pressure to always be connected and responsive."

professor of cognitive neuroscience

I TRULY believe

the Bible has the power to influence our lives in the best way possible. 

I've noticed a remarkable difference in my mental health, emotional well-being, and physical attitude when I've spent consistent time in God's Word.

When I miss a few days? It seems like the thought spirals GO HARD, life is the worst, no one cares about me, and why keep trying?

God's Word is powerful, and our time is limited. Both are true.

which is why i created

The Psalms Project
digital bible study

An email-driven Bible that’s just as easy to open as that Old Navy $1 Flip-Flop Email

Each chapter has a 1–5 minute reading time, and you can read it whenever and wherever—at the soccer field, in the drive-through lane, at the grocery pick up … 

… no need to rearrange space on your kitchen table just to read the Bible. 


You read the biggest book of the Bible (maybe the longest chapter book of your life?)! 

Sit back, remember, and marvel at how God has worked in your life over those 150 days.

“I read the largest book of the Bible!”

"I typically read the Bible on Sundays…” 

In 3 taps, you’ll go from



Join the digital Bible study, explore the resource library, watch the videos, and read the Psalms in 150 days.



Remember I told you we already did the heavy lifting? 

We’ve got it all organized and ready for you, so your thumb just has to tap it open when you get the email notification.


Join the Digital Bible Study >>



I never really studied the Psalms, but am learning how He was there all the time.

I am amazed with your guiding us and what we can understand about God! 

 The Psalms are beginning to really make sense to me. Thank you!





I look forward to all your future studies!

Going through the Psalms so far, has encouraged my faith in Christ and strengthened my knowledge about the diverse good nature of God.

It's been a rewarding experience reading through the Psalms. It's quite encouraging and I sincerely appreciate you for creating this project. It's a great opportunity to be a part of it.

It has thought me how God relates with His people and the wide range of mercies He exhibits. Through Christ, the salvation He provides is full and secure. It has made me love the words of the scripture more.

A resource library 

This library stores curated articles, videos, music playlists, and books that can be used in addition to your study, so you can view, read, and share whenever you need to. 

Devotional Emails

The 150-day reading plan gives you the most time and flexibility to read through the longest book, the Psalms. 

Each email contains:
  • Prayer prompts to guide your conversations with the Lord. 
  • Study questions that cultivate a deeper understanding of God and His Word.
  • Encouragement to keep you focused and faithful as you finish a reading plan.

Access tools that encourage you to stay
focused & faithful in reading the Bible

Here's everything included in this digital Bible study:

The 66-page companion journal to The Psalms Project, Intentionally created to help you “Be still and know” God (Psalm 42:1).
  • Track your reading and all that you learn in a monthly, weekly, and daily format
  • List prayer requests and answers
  • Reference guide to all 150 The Psalms Project paintings
  • Monthly, weekly, and daily overviews to keep you accountable.

Journaling the Psalms

Take a look 👀 inside the digital Bible study: 

You could download an app


It’s the human factor—what the AI, app, or any other piece of technology can't do for you. Someone to cheer you on, hold you accountable, and remind you it's OK if you miss a day—you can pick it up tomorrow and move forward.

Apps are free or real cheap—I get it.

❌ Send you encouragement? Support? Cheer you on as you read?  
❌ Understand why you missed a day? Or keep reminding you?
❌ Challenge you to memorize Scripture? 
❌ Give you extra resources to understand the richness of the book?
❌ Encourage you to be still and remember God’s faithfulness?

But that free (or $.99) app can only do so much. I can guarantee that it wont:

I've heard the reasons *not* to join, so

let's clear the air:

You like using a physical book to study the Bible.

reason 02

And there's nothing wrong with buying books.

I have several myself! 

But I know I’m not the only one who's purchased 2–3 books from a Daily Grace Co. Warehouse Sale and then watched them collect dust on the shelf. 

... then you've spent a ~$217 on dust. 

There are better options than spending money on dust.

If you commit to that every 6–8 weeks (because you need a “jumpstart” back into reading) ... 

The average study book is $25. 

You want to limit your time on technology not increase it.


It’s the elephant in the room, isn’t it? 😏

This digital Bible is intentionally designed to keep you in God’s Word by helping you become more intentional with what you already have. The emails, articles, links, and resources are concise and focused, so you can easily incorporate them into your already-established routine. 

150 Days is a LOT to commit to …

reason 04

It sure is. But 5 minutes each day? 

That’s reading + brushing your teeth.
Reading + waiting in the car line.
Reading + watching the water boil.
Reading + eating lunch.

It’s not the time factor that’s holding you back—it’s having a plan to follow, the tools to help you, and the cheerleader to encourage you to stay faithful.

When you're walking, eating, taking a break, or waiting ... open an email that refreshes your spirit.

Instead of one that reminds you how you don’t have the perfect porch sign and need one at 10% off as long as you spend $100.

A total value of $220





The Psalms Project email reading plan

A book of the Bible in your inbox


"Journaling the Psalms"

Record growth & God's power as you study the Psalms


The Psalms Project Digital Library

Articles, books, videos, and more to enrich your studies

But you get it all for
one payment of $18

YES! I want to join this Digital Bible Study >>





We’re committed to designing God-honoring products, helping you grow in the Scriptures, and creating opportunities for you to share His work in your life with others. If your purchase doesn’t exceed those three promises, then we’re going to work with you to make sure it does. 

Your passion for God’s Word is important to us.









The artwork is very vibrant and beautiful.


I definitely see that Rachel puts a lot of work and heart into this wonderful, artistic, uplifting book.

And this is what they've said:



The Psalms Project paintings hanging in homes and offices

Copies of The Psalms Project book sold worldwide,

Readers of The Psalms Project free digital Bible studies

I’m Rachel—the artist & author who loves the Psalms

I’m inspired by the big, bold truths found in the Bible. It’s such a joy when I hear how women use the watercolor art we offer to have Christ-centered conversations in their homes and offices.

The Mercy Creates shop has over 200 prints and original paintings, so you can easily find a piece that communicates the truth found in Scripture—for yourself or a friend.

 We don’t just *hope* you share your faith with others, though… we help you share your faith. With digital Bible studies, Scripture memory cards, and other resources, you are encouraged and equipped to share your faith.

 And with knowledge + a conversation piece …
 … you can say “Goodbye” to awkward conversations about the weather and to proudly sharing God’s wonder-working power in your life.

Join the Digital Bible Study >>

This is a perfect fit if:

You want to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

You know that Sunday-only reading just isn’t cutting it anymore.

You need a personal cheerleader and coach—someone to tell you to keep going and someone to say “I get it. Today had meltdowns and unexpected runs to Walmart. We’ll pick it back up tomorrow.”

You have a phone, laptop, tablet… any device that syncs with your inbox!

You want a classroom approach. You get the resources to go at your own pace, but it's not an inductive Bible study approach.

You really don't spend a lot of time using technology. You can print everything out for physical copies, but you'll miss out on what the study has to offer.

It might not work if:

You check your inbox once a week. This is a daily + weekly email-opening activity.

Let me answer some of your questions!

How long do I have access to the Digital Bible Study + Resources?

Forever and ever. Amen. Your one-time payment is a forever payment and you'll receive any updates made to the study.

I have more questions!! How can I get in touch with you?

No problem :) Email me at Office hours are Mon.–Fri., 4–8 p.m. ET

Some *Frequently* Asked ❓❓❓

What if I miss a day?

We all will, so don’t let that stop you from joining! You’ll be sent a recap email each week of the past week’s passages.

You have the option to pick up from the last email you read or “start over” with that current day’s email.

This digital Bible study is designed to help develop a rhythm of reading. You won’t be perfect with it, but it will get easier over time.

How often will I receive emails?

Daily and periodically:
Daily - 1 chapter will be emailed to you each day to read, and at key milestone moments, you'll receive an encouraging email.

Your name will also be put on the Mercy Creates VIP list—it's like the red carpet for your inbox. You'll receive shop sales and updates, encouragement and prayers, and access to the newest collections before they're announced on social media.

What if I want to cancel in the middle of the digital Bible study?

You can cancel at any time. However, payment for the study is nonrefundable. 

Will I get an actual The Psalms Project art piece sent to me?

Over 80% of the Psalms Project pieces have been purchased, so a physical one will not be sent to you.

However, several are still available, and you can purchase an art piece here.

Can I just buy the book and not join the digital Bible study? 

Absolutely—you can purchase the book here.

Build a spiritual habit for less than $.12 a day




A total value of $220


The Psalms Project email reading plan

A book of the Bible in your inbox


"Journaling the Psalms"

Record growth & God's power as you study the Psalms


The Psalms Project Digital Library

Articles, books, videos, and more to enrich your studies

But you get it all for
one payment of $18

YES! I want to join this Digital Bible Study >>

The Psalms Project
digital bible study

Let’s not waste them.

Control your inbox
& grow in God’s Word

Truth be told: our eyeballs focus on organization how-to’s, jumping dogs, and recipe hacks MORE THAN God's Word. 

We have countless “micro-moments” in our days, and we can be in control of them. Those minutes waiting for the gas to fill up or brushing our teeth? 

Our phones have become a constant companion—they sit on our desks, rest in our purses, and spend time in our hands … I know I’m not the only one that gets the cold sweats if I leave the house without it!  

Join this digital Bible study & experience God’s presence in the mundane.

Join the Digital Bible Study for $18 >>