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God Showed Up In.. My Creative Business

In order to tell you about what God did in my life this year, I have to go back a few months into 2018.  Things started during my church’s women’s conference in October. Yes, I know big things happen at conferences, but the whole time, I felt that I wasn’t hearing anything. Others were getting […]

December 30, 2019

In order to tell you about what God did in my life this year, I have to go back a few months into 2018. 

Things started during my church’s women’s conference in October.

Yes, I know big things happen at conferences, but the whole time, I felt that I wasn’t hearing anything.

Others were getting affirmations, blessings, and God was moving!

I sat in my straight backed chair feeling just like I had when I walked in…tired. Tired of being sick, the day to day struggle, and trying to make a difference with my business. 

Then I saw a friend and fellow member in pain, rubbing her head furiously as she slumped in a chair by the door. Her face was super flushed, and her features anguished. I went over to her and asked if she needed anything. She said her husband was coming to get her. 


Then the leader of the prayer team, who is one of the most powerful prayer warriors I’ve ever seen, walked by. She told us to help her get to the prayer room. Another mutual friend and I walked with her slowly to a back corner of the event center. 

The calm quietness of the room already helped against the din of chatter along with the hustle and bustle outside. The prayer leader began to talk to her, helping her with her issue that led to the migraine and has been causing her to be physically sick. 

Then she looked up and locked eyes with me. She started to give voice to everything I’d been thinking and feeling. In that instant I knew she’d gotten a message from the Holy Spirit and God was working through her. 

There was no other explanation for what was happening. I hadn’t given voice to my doubts or fears, because I knew my words were powerful and could manifest those negatives.

She began to speak life into me and tell me that God would prosper my business.

That I was meant to bring joy to many. 

As she spoke, my mouth went from hanging open to a giant smile as tears slid down my cheeks. I was overcome by the magnitude of His message and the power in that moment.

Flash forward to December that year, and I was putting out Scripture cards I’d designed at an event.

I touched them, praying that they would be able to help someone coming through.

Hours later a woman came up the table, her gaze directed intently to them. She picked up the open copy, flipping through the scriptures and exclaimed about their fabulousness!


She picked up two sets, then shook her head and scooped up the whole selection. Next she asked if that was all I had. Unfortunately that’s all I’d brought, so I had to say yes. She bought every last one and didn’t even let me put them in a bag!

That moment was more proof to me that God is faithful, and that something from my hands mattered. 

A couple months later I got an e-mail to my business account. It was the woman who’d bought all the cards! She wanted to chat about an opportunity, so I called her back. It turns out that she was looking for a speaker, and wanted me to come and share with her women’s group!

Not only would I get to share my story, but also show off the products that I’d created to help others celebrate, capture, and cultivate their joy!

A week before the event, I gathered my thoughts and jotted down a few bullet points. Altogether different than how I’d normally prepare for a speech—before I’d written out every word and read it word for word. 

I also prepped for what I’d take from my products, carefully selecting items that matched by themes for each table. Then I decided to have fun with my outfit, and let my Facebook friends help me decide what to wear. 

On the big day, I dressed, packed up my selections, and then at the venue I prayed before I stepped out of the car.

When I walked in, I was wearing a big smile.

I quickly set up my items, and was told I’d be sitting at the head table! Small butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I made small talk… then I the organizer told me something that stymied half of what I’d prepared. 


I swallowed hard, knowing God would help me put the pieces together. When it was my turn, I stepped up to take the microphone (another first) and instantly all my fear and butterflies flew away. I smiled, introducing myself and started in with what I prepared. 

When I felt stuck from Frankenstein-ing my message, I breathed and smiled, then continued on as I looked at all their faces. All the while I had this feeling in my gut I was meant to be here. 

Afterwards, a handful of ladies came up to purchase items that spoke to them. So I not only spoke a word to inspire them, but also helped carry that forward with something I’d made. The feeling from that accomplishment had me floating along all day. 

Since then I’ve seen God put his hand on my business over and over.

I’d been sad about not getting into shows, only to have the day arrive and see it raining or snowing! Through this year I’ve learned to trust in His timing. He knows the plan, and I’m excited to learn more as it plays out as His story. 

Right now, I’m reading God’s Creative Power, given to me by that prayer leader, so I can use my self-talk and words even more wisely. I’ve seen blessings come, and I know without a doubt even in the down times that God is faithful and so very good!


Kristy Mabe is a wife inspired by the world around her and seeing God’s creation through her daughter’s eyes. She enjoys helping others celebrate, capture, and cultivate their joys to enhance their lives. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Etsy.

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