The word "Sovereignty" means "supreme power or authority," so when we say "God is sovereign over our lives," we affirm that He is only One who can govern us—tell us what is good, how to act, who to forgive, when to move.
It sounds scary to do so ONLY when we forget that
➡️ God is good.
➡️ God is faithful.
➡️ God is perfect.
➡️ God is holy.
➡️ God is never changing.
➡️ God is eternal.
➡️ God is just.
Our response is to surrender, worship, and tell others of the joy and peace found in God's sovereignty.
These 10 pieces gently remind us to trust in His ruling over our lives and help us praise Him for His goodness and provision.
shop Paintings
I’m Rachel, and I'm inspired by the big and bold truths found in the Bible. It's such a joy when I hear how women use this pieces to have Christ-centered conversations in their homes and offices.
With a background in fine art, drawing, painting, graphic design, and photography, each of these paintings are created with the highest quality materials from start to finish.
We strive to faithfully steward our visible and invisible resources to create quality works of art because we know that these pieces are “seeds of faith” that are planted in homes across the world.
We’re committed to designing God-honoring products, helping you grow in the Scriptures, and creating opportunities for you to share His work in your life with others. If your purchase doesn’t exceed those three promises, then we’re going to work with you to make sure it does.